Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dont Quit your day job

Most of you know that I tattoo full time and have been doing this for about 15 years or so. And I have owned my own shop for 10. I have been branching out and created Corvid Studios. I'm not planning on giving up my "day job", Rather I am using this venue to feed my own artistic needs so that I don't burn out. It seems to me from my conversations that people don't understand the high burnout rate for tattoo artists. No its not like coloring in a coloring book all day (I've actually heard this from customers). Its incredibly physically and mentally challenging. One of the things I enjoy is when my tattoo art crosses over to my personal artwork. Its like the planets align for a brief period of time. Below are two projects. One is a tattoo which is sparking influence on my skull mandala project, the other is an upcoming project that I am showing to a client this weekend in hopes she will want to get it tattooed.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I have 11 chickens, 8 dogs and numerous Koi fish. Life with Chickens and dogs is interesting because we constantly need to keep them apart for obvious reasons. The chickens have a large fenced in area and the dogs are in the kennel until my husband comes to train/run them (they are sled dogs). Thus begins my story,

Meet Ariel the chicken. I named her Ariel because she is the only chicken who flies up and over the fence. She has been attacked twice already by the dogs but somehow escaped without as much as a scratch. Then there was the day my beautiful flower gardens were dug up by her......Now understand we have 30 acres for the damn bird to dig in but Noooooo, she wanted my flower garden. so that Sunday my husband and I set out to catch her and clip her wings. It must have been a hilarious sight seeing us running around like crazy trying to catch her (insert Benny Hill music here). Finally we cornered her and clipped her wings super short. Guess what? next day who's out in the yard again? Yup Ariel, I still have no Idea how she does it.

A few days ago I came home and My husband informed me that we have a problem. Ariel was attacked again by one of the dogs and it was a less than pretty scene. She was sitting outside the chicken fence behind the building. I went to go find her. She had been badly torn apart on her back side. I picked her up and started walking with her tucked under my arms. My husband asked what I wanted to do thinking of course I would say what any self-respecting livestock owner would say which is we will have chicken soup tomorrow.

I'm not really sure what kicked in inside of me but I knew I must save the annoying fowl. I grabbed my free button sewing kit given to me by the bank when I signed up and continued to sew her all up in multicolored string. Thus creating my own version of a frankenchicken. I then put her in a quarantine crate. I said if she survives the night I would glue the stitches together to make a better seal on the skin.

Next morning she is up and around a bit pissed off she is in a crate, hmmmm not bad. I then went to CVS to grab some more medical supplies and came back to clean her up and wash her off and do a better job at closing the wounds. I also started her on antibiotics and now we are 4 days in and she continues to get better. she even layed an egg last night! I'm thinking she will go back in the pen soon to Join her sisters. I'm convinced the bird has 9 lives! Her breed by the way is Rhode Island Red. I chose this breed because I am from Rhode Island and because they are supposed to be bad fliers LOL!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Panel 2 complete!

Today was the most annoying day ever, It was one of those days that felt like I was in a dream running in slow motion and not getting anywhere. To top this off I found out that Mercury is going into retrograde this week UGH, no wonder! I was desperately trying to get into the studio but had a ton of annoying little things to tend to including my frankenchicken (ill share that story with you tomorrow). BUT despite all this I was able to get at the drawing table and finally complete Panel two of Four :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer solstice AND a super moon all in one weekend, oh the energy! So I haven't mentioned it but Ive been thinking about sculpting again (takes deep breath). I have my masters degree in sculpture but I left school feeling a bit......well......broken. Its been 15 years since Ive picked up tools. So this is what it boils down to; I had always worked with clay and in miniature form, I went to grad school and was told to give up clay and miniatures, I gave up clay and miniatures, I made some stuff but lost my love. Fast forward 15 years or so.....guess what I what to do? yup clay miniatures. I took a deep breath and ordered some sculpting supplies this morning. Tomorrow I dig though my packed away supplies to see what is still left and salvageable. I will be looking forawrd to my clay arriving this week. :)

Last night I was able to get out for a bit and set up my solstice alter and enjoy the longest day of the year. here is a pic of my summer altar, Much love to you all

Friday, June 21, 2013


Litha is here! Midsummer is my favorite time of year, the days are longer and boy do I need that. I woke up with big plans to celebrate today but time as always got the best of me. I am happy that I did get in a lot of studio time today and was able to list some new items in my store. Now I am calling it quits to get outdoors and take some pictures and enjoy this beautiful evening. Happy summer solstice everyone :)

Progress for Friday

Made some progress today on my second panel :)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

 Welcome All

 First post of my new blog. Boy seems like I'm Just WAY behind the times. Ive decided that I will start with a simple description of my vision of my blog. Firstly it will be to promote my Artworks in the variety of media I work with. I also Want to share the things I find inspiring as well, and share the beauty I see in the world on a daily basis. I will be honest...I have started blogs before and not continued with them. I believe this was because it only involved one area of my work life. I see this venue as much more integrated and more honest. I'm sure I will fine that either people will love me or not but that's OK, This is me and this is what I have to offer. I will thank you all ahead of time for giving me a look :) Blessed BE!